Tuesday, November 13, 2007

That promised comma story in full:

When I was in year six we did a bit of studying of the 'making yr sentences longer' sort. Being a highly competitive individual ('err' -the world) I proceeded to endeavour, at all times and in all places, to make my sentences as long as was humanly possible. Rather than do this in a semi-grammatically sensible way, however, I simply add hundreds of commas everywhere and refuse to put in full stops ever. I can get seven in a twenty eight word sentence and I'll tell you what, it's fucking liberating; even more so if you can get some parentheses and a couple of semi-colons in there.

Of course this does render everything I write totally unreadable but there you go.

Oh, I just realised (as I often do) that my syntax may currently be misleading you; to get an accurate version of this blog, please read in a slightly croaky, blocked nose farmer accent. Short 'a's, please, the southern accent is a lie.

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