Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Bloggity bloggity bloggity.

What is new? Not a great deal. Not that you, the internet, are probably especially concerned either one way or the other but there you go.

Actually I am quite annoyed. It is a petty and rather pathetic annoyance but they're the sort you can only out on your blog so here goes: I was fortunate enough to be allowed to play some records to make some people dance at Aber Amnesty's fundraiser night, Boogie Rights, about a month and a half ago. Now, I won't pretend it went so amazingly that I had people hanging off me and begging me to allow them to pleasure me or anything but actually I don't think it went too badly- I played a pop set because, y'know, I like pop music but rather than play the sort of pop that Radio One plays (ie: boring pop) I went for some more varied/slightly obscure electro etc. I'd described what I was going to play as 'electropop' but apparently this had somehow translated into 'cheese anthems' in the organisers' brains and so everyone felt I was doing a shit job of it. People did continue to dance but I knew at the time everyone probably thought I'd messed up and yes, possibly but really, I was sandwiched between an indie set and an electroclash set, neither of whom were expected to come out with the latest relevant top 40 hits and both of whom played relatively obscure stuff without anyone going 'ooh that's not very mainstream.' Just because it's pop, people think it has to be their conception of pop (and yes, stfu, I am well aware the conception of 'pop' is 'what is popular' but there's also 'pop as a genre' these days innit) and you can't deviate from that, which is particularly difficult when most people don't seem to know fucking anything about pop as per my conception of pop. I don't think any of the punters had a problem with my set but clearly it's been decided I can't be trusted to play Timbaland so I'm not on the list for the next one.

Nevermind. I mean, they have a lot of people who want to DJ and there're people who are much more active in the society to be given a slot but I still feel slightly wronged about the whole thing. Meh.

Actually I'm just hilariously defensive about my music taste and take it terribly personally when people say it's shit. Which I really ought to get over, seeing as I call other people's taste shit all the time.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

That promised comma story in full:

When I was in year six we did a bit of studying of the 'making yr sentences longer' sort. Being a highly competitive individual ('err' -the world) I proceeded to endeavour, at all times and in all places, to make my sentences as long as was humanly possible. Rather than do this in a semi-grammatically sensible way, however, I simply add hundreds of commas everywhere and refuse to put in full stops ever. I can get seven in a twenty eight word sentence and I'll tell you what, it's fucking liberating; even more so if you can get some parentheses and a couple of semi-colons in there.

Of course this does render everything I write totally unreadable but there you go.

Oh, I just realised (as I often do) that my syntax may currently be misleading you; to get an accurate version of this blog, please read in a slightly croaky, blocked nose farmer accent. Short 'a's, please, the southern accent is a lie.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I wrote in this blog once. Twice, actually, I think, in my first year of university* -obviously, it being my first year I was absolutely wankered both times and had a naive sense of idealism regarding the internet caring what you told it. The intervening years have brought nothing but a beer belly and a sense of abject redundancy, ineffectiveness and an inability to bring about anything more dramatic than one of those hangovers where you spend the whole morning throwing up every time you drink a glass of water.

As a third year, I feel I am, rather than blogging about music, as is my desire, facing it. Today I got an essay about Hegel back. I quite like Hegel, to be honest with you- everyone else seems to come down pretty hard on the guy and he's not unconditionally brilliant but in my tired embitteredness I quite like his idea of making undamaged sections of society- which obviously isn't to say setting up some scheme like the thing I have a direct debit to that means I pay for some bit of rainforest to remain unspoiled, for the monkeys and such because obviously, social forestry has a bit more of a stigma than lopping down a bit of mahoghany because you're fucking poor and you can sell it for $50 or something-** no, it's more to do with the idea of people being brought up nice to believe in love and etiquette. There's not enough etiquette these days really, is there? If there was, shy people would find it much easier to interact with the outside world.

Erm. Anyway, the point of the above was that today I received the lowest mark (after mark reduction for handing it in two days late) I have ever received for any piece of work at university. As detailed above, I find Hegel quite engaging and the topic (capitalism) is one I enjoy raving about and have plenty of references for and yet I got a 52, 42 after the two days' lateness docking. Man, that is some fail right there. How is it that I am getting consistently crapper at my degree, details of hangovers above aside?

Actually, on that note, I'm meant to go and see Hidemi Suganami now and get a bollocking for not doing any work on my dissertation research proposal. :/ I would try and bullshit my way out of it but I need his help, so it'll be the full Oprah confessional. Goddamn.

-Simian Mobile Disco review (NB: one of the few things I am remotely successful at is being rude about indie bands, to the point that I am allowed to be rude about indie bands on the Radio One Chartblog, which is here:
-Think of witty way to end this post which includes cutting remarks re: why on earth you would want to tag anything with the labels 'scooters, vacation, fall,' as the suggestion goes EVEN THOUGH I AM PERFECTLY AWARE OF THE ARBITRARY NATURE OF THOSE WORDS
-Shout at BT engineer
-Wash vagina

*Christ, I really do use a hell of a lot of commas. More on this story later.
**What the fuck is this tangent, anyway?